sreda, 25. april 2018

Encouragement instead of mocking

I forgive myself for accepting & allowing myself to mocking my partner when he decided to wash our dishes through words 'is everything ok, honey' & 'you must be really over-bored if you decided to do the dishes'.

When and as I see myself that I'm going into mocking -- I stop and I breathe.

I see how unpleasant it was for me, when I have finally gathered the will and I have done what could/should be done along time ago, but mother started mocking me -- my will went right down again... I realise that is really time to start experimenting with effect of encouraging others instead of being angry and judgemental towards them and consequently reacting towards them in the way that helps them to stay in their old unsupportive patterns...

I commit myself to rewrite mocking (irony) program with encouragement, because I need to see the difference.

torek, 24. april 2018

Encouragement instead of anger and judgement

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be angry at women and for judging her as lazy, weak and exploiting, because she was afraid and/or nervous and she didn’t want to / she couldn’t calm herself.

When and as I see myself getting angry at others and judging them as lazy, weak and exploited, because they are afraid and/or nervous and they don’t want to / they can't calm them-self -- I stop and breathe.

I realize that I can relocate my energy from anger and judgement to encouraging them to do things without me / on their own. If they are still not willing to give up their victim character, I leave it to them and I'm not accepting it within myself in form of anger with justification 'I'm not able to show them how they are limiting themselves'.

I commit myself to start experimenting with effect of encouraging others instead of being angry and judgemental towards them.

ponedeljek, 2. april 2018

Excitement and expectation around making a new dish (cake)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create excitement and expectation around the cake I was planning to make, wanting it as fast as possible, wanting to taste that combination ‘before is even finished’.

When and as I see myself creating excitement and expectation around a new dish that I'm planning to make + wanting that dish to be finished and ready to taste before I even started it -- I stop and breathe.

I realize that feelings are only taking away some of my attention, which would be much better invested if it would be all put into making a new dish.
I see that when expectations are not meet, follows the disappointment, which is really not pleasant state to be in.   
I realize that only in mind I can reach things right away, but they aren't tangible...
I see, that I have a lot work / writings to do regarding the taste component.

I commit myself to ground myself before making a new 'promising' dish. I will give myself the time that is needed to do it, the permission for making mistakes, and I will eat something smaller before, to prevent nervous hurrying.